Information for Parents and Guardians


Who can be a member?

Members must be aged between 8 and 18 on the first night of the society’s February production, which is staged during the February half-term holiday in Calderdale.

Members do not need any previous experience.

What is the process for joining?

Before the start of each school year we hold a launch event where we talk about our next production. Existing members, prospective members, and their parents or guardians are invited to come along, hear about the show, meet the production team and ask questions.

After the launch event we will hold a workshop where we explore the show and its characters in more details. This is not an audition, although we do ask that all prospective members attend so we can get an idea of everyone’s skills.

If prospective members would like to audition for a named part in the production, this takes place during the audition workshop. It is not compulsory to audition, and every member will be able to take part in the show even if they do not receive a named part.

Once a prospective member decides to join they will need to agree to our society rules, and you will need to complete a membership form. Membership fees can either be paid in one lump sum, by monthly instalment, or weekly. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or bank transfer.

Society Activities

What happens throughout the year?

Through the year members will be expected to attend weekly rehearsals, be able to commit to attend all dates of the show, and will be expected to learn their parts to the best of their ability.

The Society

HLOS Juniors is a charity registered in England and Wales, number 1184294.


HLOS Juniors takes safeguarding of its members and other vulnerable persons seriously. You can read our Child Protection Policy in our Resources section.